2014 online selling data matching program
2014 online selling data matching program
The ATO will request and collect, from eBay Australia & New Zealand Pty Ltd (which operates www.ebay.com.au), online selling data relating to between 15,000 and 25,000 individuals that sold goods and services of a total value of $10,000 or more for the period from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014.
This acquired data will be electronically matched with certain sections of ATO data holdings to:
- identify individuals and businesses selling goods and services via the online selling site who may not be complying with registration, reporting, lodgment and payment obligations under taxation law, particularly those with undeclared income, and incorrect lodgment and reporting for GST; and
- enable the ATO to be more strategic in its approach to determine appropriate educational and compliance strategies to encourage voluntary compliance for taxpayers in the online selling market.
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