Employee Denied Deductions for Work-related Expenses

Employee Denied Deductions for Work-related Expenses

https://www.hartpartners.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Hart-Partners-Employee-Denied-Deductions-for-Work-related-Expenses.jpgAn employee photographer has been denied deductions for travel expenses (when traveling with his family), and other purported work-related expenses.

The AAT held that the travel expenses were primarily incurred for the purposes of a family trip or holiday and were therefore non-deductible, as they were private and domestic in nature.

Also, in relation to the taxpayer’s reliance on bank statements in the absence of invoices and receipts, the AAT observed that “evidence of the mere transfer of funds, be it by way of bank transfer or by any other means, is not sufficiently informative of the actual character of an expense”, so the other disputed expenses could not be claimed as allowable deductions.


* * * Disclaimer: The information is sourced from NTAA. * * *
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