Announced as part of the 2023–24 Federal budget, increased funding has been provided to the ATO to scrutinise taxpayers who have high-value outstanding debts of over $100,000 and aged debts older than two years where those taxpayers are:
- public and multinational groups with an aggregate turnover of over $10 million, or
- privately owned groups or individuals controlling net wealth of over $5 million.
Increased Tax Penalty Rates
After a recent increase in January 2023 from $222 to $275, the Commonwealth penalty unit rate has witnessed yet another hike from 1 July 2023 and currently sits at $313 per unit. This means that if you fall behind on your tax lodgements you can expect the financial penalties to increase substantially.
Penalties may be levied on late lodgments of returns and reports that include but are not limited to:
- Activity statements
- Income tax returns
- FBT returns
- PAYG withholding annual reports
- Single Touch Payroll reports
- Annual GST returns and information reports
- Taxable payment annual reports.
With the increased rates now in effect, a small business can expect to pay base penalties for failure-to-lodge returns ranging anywhere between $313 (1 penalty unit) to $1,565 (5 penalty units), one unit for every 28 days the lodgment is overdue.