FBT: Record Keeping exemption and Benchmark and Cents per Km basis

FBT: Record keeping exemption threshold

The small business record keeping exemption threshold for the 2015/16 FBT year is $8,164, replacing the amount of $7,965 that applied in the 2014/15 FBT year.

FBT:  Benchmark interest rate

The benchmark interest rate for the 2015/16 FBT year is 5.65% p.a. (replacing the rate of 5.95% that applied for the 2014/15 FBT year).

The rate of 5.65% is used to calculate the taxable value of:

  • a loan fringe benefit; and
  •  a car fringe benefit where an employer chooses to value the benefit using the operating cost method.


On 1 April 2015 an employer lends an employee $50,000 for five years at an interest rate of 5% p.a., with interest being charged and paid 6 monthly, and no principal repaid until the end of the loan.

The actual interest payable by the employee for the current year is $2,500 ($50,000 × 5%). The notional interest, with a 5.65% benchmark rate, is $2,825.   Therefore, the taxable value of the loan fringe benefit is $325 (i.e., $2,825 – $2,500).

FBT: Cents per kilometre basis

The rates to be applied where the cents per kilometre basis is used for the 2015/16 FBT year in respect of the private use of a vehicle (other than a car) are:

Engine capacity Rate per kilometre
0 – 2,500cc 51 cents
Over 2,500cc 61 cents
Motorcycles 15 cents


Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

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