It’s a good business practice to manage expenses carefully. Even a successful, cash-rich business should be meticulous about how they’re spending money. (Often that is how they become cash-rich and successful in the first place). A business that is short of cash or is forecasting losses needs even closer oversight.
Enter the humble Expense Report, one of the tools used to manage expenses.
What is an Expense Report?
An Expense Report documents the expenses incurred by the business or by employees so they can be periodically analyzed, paid, and reimbursed.
How are Expense Reports used?
Processes will vary but a starting point is often an employee who incurs an expense on behalf of the company, for example, a travel expense. Sometimes the employee will pay this expense with their own funds and use the Expense Report to be reimbursed later. Alternatively, the employee will use the Expense Report to signal that the business should pay the expense directly to the vendor.
A manager will ‘authorize’ the expense (or not) and a member of the finance team will maintain these reports for audit purposes and for recognition in the financial statements. Further analysis will reveal how much each division of the business is spending… and what they are buying.
What is an Expense Policy?
An Expense Policy sets the guidelines for spending money across the organization. It includes rules about who can incur expenses on behalf of the organization, the purpose of these expenses, and the value or amount of any expense. A common example is a Travel and Entertainment Policy. Some businesses will also maintain an Approved Vendor Policy which specifies the list of vendors from which the business can buy goods and services.
Employees are required to follow the policy and the finance or payroll department will verify the details of any expenditure to ensure it is supported by appropriate documentation.