Invest in Your Future to Build Solid Foundations
It’s all very well to have money in the bank today – but what about further down the road? Make sure you’re making provision for the major life events such as marriage, starting a family, buying a house, and (eventually) retiring and stepping back from employment.
Investing in stocks, bonds or a pension plan can help you grow your wealth over time. Consider working with an independent financial advisor to achieve your investment goals and help you create a diversified investment portfolio that aligns with your goals. They’ll also help you achieve the best risk tolerance with your investments.
Keep an Eye on Your Personal Credit Score
Your credit score is an important factor in determining your financial health. A personal credit score measures your risk to a potential lender – the lower your risk, the more likely it is that a provider will lend you money, safe in the knowledge that you’ll make the repayments.
Many of the big credit agencies now offer personal credit reports. Make sure to check your credit report regularly to ensure that the information is accurate and to gauge the impact this score is having on your ability to borrow money. Simple steps, such as paying your bills on time and reducing credit card balances, can help to improve your credit score.
Stay Informed About Taxes and Reliefs
Taxes are a necessary part of paying our way in society, but tax costs can also have a significant impact on your personal finances. It’s important to stay informed about changes to tax laws, especially those around income tax and capital gains tax, and to understand how they affect you. We don’t have an inheritance tax in Australia, however, there is a need to consider future tax ramifications for your beneficiaries so having a properly considered and professionally drafted will is essential.
It’s worth working with a tax professional who can review your tax situation and suggest all the available tax reliefs and incentives that may be open to you.
Review Your Finances Regularly
Keeping a close eye on your finances is the best way to keep things in check. Most banks now offer apps that make it much easier to review your income and expenditure, and to see exactly where you’re spending your money. With so much financial information available, there’s no excuse for letting your money management get into a mess
Regularly reviewing your finances helps you stay on track and make adjustments as needed. You can even use one of the many personal finance software platforms to help you stay organized in the cloud and make well-informed financial decisions.