Scammers Impersonate ATO Phone Numbers

Scammers Impersonate ATO Phone Numbers ATO is warning that scammers have adopted ‘Robocall’ technology to target taxpayers across the country.

Assistant Commissioner Gavin Siebert said: “Scammers are sending pre-recorded messages in record numbers and are manipulating caller identification so that your phone displays a legitimate ATO phone number despite coming from an overseas scammer.

If the scammers do make contact, they will request payment of tax debt – usually through unusual methods like bitcoin, gift cards, and vouchers. Legitimate ways to pay your tax debt are listed on our website. The scammers will threaten you with immediate arrest, attempt to keep you on the line until payment is made and may become rude or aggressive.

The technique of displaying misleading phone numbers is known as “spoofing” and is commonly used by scammers in an attempt to make their interactions with taxpayers appear legitimate.

* * * Disclaimer: The information is sourced from NTAA. * * *
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