The Government has introduced legislation to complement the superannuation guarantee (‘SG’) integrity package already before Parliament by introducing a one‑off, twelve-month amnesty for historical underpayment of SG.
The Bill incentivises employers to come forward and “do the right thing by their employees” by paying any unpaid superannuation in full, as well as the high rate of nominal interest (but without the penalties for late payment that are normally paid to the Government by such employers).
Employers that do not take advantage of the amnesty will face higher penalties when they are subsequently caught – in general, a minimum 50% on top of the SG Charge they owe.
In addition, throughout the amnesty period, the ATO will still continue its usual enforcement activity against employers for those historical obligations they don’t own up to voluntarily.
The amnesty will run for twelve months from 24 May 2018.
* * * Disclaimer: The information is sourced from NTAA. * * *
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